Thursday 18 July 2013

Open Letter To Hoes

A Hoe Is Just A Hoe…

I'm writting this letter to all hoes. *as a woman*
(Go say Gay kunyoko)

We as women have come real far in this “man’s world”. And as usual, it takes a bird ass bitch like you to make us look bad and take us back a few years. I understand that this is your life and the way you choose to live it is on you. Since you chose to put your business in the streets, I would like to offer you some advice. You should learn a trade or something because fucking D-List rappers and bragging about it is not going to get you that paid. It might get you enough to buy some new heel from Rage  shoes and a bikini but hun, that’s about it. Being a groupie says a lot about your self esteem, you have none. There is nothing positive coming from what you do. I mean besides seeing the inside of a studio, a few texts from D-List rappers and a ran through pussy, what do you get out of being a hoe?

Be smart. You are doing exactly what these dudes want you to do. You may think you are putting them on “blast” but you are just making yourself look stupid. Sleeping with the cornballs from Kong. Sway etc is nothing to be proud of. Really. And if I were you, I would go and test.

And some of you hoes are mothers. One day This makes for great stories for your child at school and with their friends. I am sure they would be proud to announce that their mama can make Rappers and Djs Bunk Beds Rock…. #ParentingFAIL . I know times are hard and everybody needs cash but feba nge order please.

Learn a trade cuz pussy dries up.


  1. Deep. As a woman, I feel u and share the same sentiments. There is more to being female than sleeping around with famous/popular and rich men. We have lost all pride and morals. We even justify being cheap, cause cheap is what many of us are. Nice piece Mr. Radebe

  2. Ndyabulela Radebe. Khobaxelele! #GirlPower♥

  3. You see this is why I like you, You tell the truth where its due. We want more of people like you.Well said Nqina!!!*

  4. Kube awukude ngabe ngithi xhawula. Onezindlebe makezwe....lisho njalo izwi

  5. Naked truth sir

  6. i like this...feba nge order statement. Good words Themba

  7. Onezindlebe uzwile, isalakutshelwa sibona ngomopho. I'm just glad this comes from a guy

  8. same goes to the ladies who think twerking is a career like what the hell??????
