Thursday 19 January 2012

She Has A Boyfriend.

Now days you approach a girl you and all is well, she can feel that no no no you coming on to hard and quick and she likes it, she drops “the I have a boyfriend” line – well so what? That shouldn’t stop you from pursuing her.
The day she agreed to hook up with for coffee – she knew she wanted you – and she knew she’d get away with cheating – as she started to like you even more she thought of the boyfriend, who’s probably cheating on her anyway...she'd think to her self
Let’s look at it this way – in soccer there is a goalkeeper but that doesn’t mean you can’t score right? Makes sense i thought as much. So if you really like her – you almost there don’t stop.
Awhile ago I was macking this girl, her name was Sne – we had a good chat and hooked up for drinks now and again – after a while she said to me:
Sne: Themba I have a boyfriend! And I can’t cheat on him, you a nice guy and i do like you but i can’t do this!
Me:  Well I have goldfish you know – and I take care of it well.
Sne:  What does that have to do with anything?
Me:  Well i thought we were talking about things that didn’t matter!
Sne: .................
Me: .....................
And so the conversation carried on.
But after some time she finally gave in – she said she left her boyfriend but I really didn’t care much about that.
So, wena nje do your thing as a guy it’s not like she’s going to pick up the Integrity of the Year award you know.

Eish sorry but i’m NOT promoting ubufebe here but this is real.


  1. Nowadays Themba

  2. hahahahahahahahahahha "Me: Well i thought we were talking about things that didn’t matter!
    " - Fooooooool

  3. Karma is a bitch and this bitch is nt pretty themba hahahahahahahahahaha

  4. a retard + a sferb in the making!!smh
