Monday 19 November 2012

Let reality sink in for a second.

(This piece was suppose to be short and about the quote below, but I couldn't stop writting)

I was just emailed this piece written (last quote) by a white South African. Well its really nothing shocking to me.

Infact I have respect for white people who are openly racist, just like how I said to a friend of mine not so long ago, i said to him "As much as P W Botha did black people bad, i respect him for being openly racist and being unapologetic about his hate for black until his death" he had to do what he did to do for his people. I remember one of his interview in the early 2000s when he said "I will not ask forgiveness for fighting the Marxist revolutionary onslaught."if I remember properly this was at a media briefing with then President, Nelson Mandela.

But anyway looking at this quote below. I actually laughed when I read this.

"White people were made in the
image of God.. Therefore we
must treat them as such!! They are our
savior!! We need them to save us from
our wretched selves!! Stop criticizing
them! We need them to help us be
better. Where would we be without them
and their caring, loving kindness?? The
care for us out of the kindness of their
hearts!! That women was right. We would
have nothing without them and just be
stagnate in our backwards ways. Africa
was a mess before the whites came!!
Thank you white people for making Africa
and blacks "better".... THANK YOU!"

Despite all this, South Africa is the next level in terms of trade, technology, peace and love. We will achieve greater height and do greater things.  It really hurts me to hear the youth say "We losing hope", this is YOUR country demmet, your childrens childrens wil roam these streets that you are losing hope for. 

How dare you lose hope for on your own country? Is these the patriotism you were taught? What are your cries? Corruption? Well lets look at reality for a min, Corruption will never stop. Violence? Let us look at reality here, you cannot not say you want to blame the govt because they broke into your house. I mean really now? Must every house and every corner have a police standing in a corner? Impossible!!

We are a beautiful country, yes we have corrupt government officials but hey the media has somehow exxegerated EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING. See how they report the story when a white person is killed, they pose questions like "Is South Africa safe", "Are we safe" but when a black person is killed, its just another story on page 4. But they cash in on the white, they even do follow up stories.

We can't really blame and hate white people for being unapologetic about what they have.
We were never afforded the same privileges so we gonna have to deal. And "clever blacks" are quick to say to other black people "why can't you stand up and do for self" - well its easy for them to speak like thus when they parents were fortunate enough to afford them a good education, not everyone had that, look around you, let reality sink for one second, be Mr Gumede in that shack who was displaced by apartheid and had no means to get an education for him and his children. What do you suggest he does? Come up with a business plan and start a business? Be Beauty at that corner street selling apples and bananas, do you think she likes it there, she has no education, her parents never had education, she is a victim of circumstance and so are million others. Clever blacks have a way of "undermining" those who were not affordered the same opportunities as them as being lazy who want everything for free and  to be fed by the govt. Its easy to speak like this if u've never been poor. Its easy to say "stop looking for handouts and go find a job" but let reality sink in. We're about millions of people here and you have the audacity to tell me that we must not blame apartheid? How dare you? Let reality sink for a second, do you think that in 18 years of democracy South Africa should be clean of poverty? Let reality sink for a second.

Change you'll never see if you hidden behind highwalls of Sandton and screan there is no change in the country, the media is a business, for them to show you all the negative side of OUR country to us and the world is good business for them. Take a look at CNN when they show Africa, they never show you Zambezi or any beautiful side of Africa unless its a hotel occupied by Madonna. Let reality sink in for a second.

Now to " Reverse Racism." There is no such thing as reverse racusm, white people tend to redefine "Discrimination" as "Racism". Their main argument is that because both blacks and white can discriminate against each other, that "Reverse Racism" is possible. But the truth of the matter is that black people: 1) have far less opportunity to discriminate against whites than whites haveto discriminate against blacks, overall; and 2) black people lack a system of institutionalized support that protect them when they discriminate against whites.

White people who complain about "Reverse Racism" are actually complaining about being denied their privileges, rather than being denied their rights. They feel entitled to be hired and not to be discriminated against,ceven though the norm is white people discriminating against blacks. If, in a rare instance, a black employer discriminates against a white job applicant, that's not "reverse" anything -- it's simple discrimination. It's to be condemned on principle, but it's not evidence of some systematic program by which whites are being deprived of their rights.


  1. WOW i was blind but now i see...keep on writing "hopefully" we will snap out of being ignorant earthlings who have learnt to live with the shit that white people feed us. We have been too accomodating of these people.
