Tuesday 18 October 2011

Is a 50/50 relationship possible? NO it is not.

Now lets all think on this a moment. Would you really want to be with someone that only gives half of themselves to the relationship? That's like one foot in and one foot out. 
It's been my experience in my own relationships as wellas other people's relationships that it's never 50/50 let alone 100/100. Someone is always going to end up giving more. That's just how it is. I've never seen a relationship where it was totally equal. It's just not. 
People have different interests and wants, and needs and not all of them are going to be met by your partner. That's what makes relationships so interesting it's constantly changing. If you're in a relationship for 2yrs. that's not the same relationship you had when you were seeing each other a year ago. 
It's changed...it may be a subtle change at first but none the less it has changed. You may find that you're giving more one week and he may think he's giving more the next. Things change, situations change,it will never be 50/50 or 100/100. It's not possible. As long as you twocome together at end of the day and still in love then it's all good. 

Listen silly women as much as you all for 50/50 the fact of the matter is that you yourself, right now, in a relationship cannot do that... We can never be equal period. "Indoda soze yalingana nomfazi"
Even in marriage 50/50 will never work - I will cut the grass, clean the roof, fix that broken window, now can you do that, change the tyres and stuff? 
Because what a 50/50 does, it takes away what is neede to be done by a man and we believe that women can do it. 

You can call me ancient but the 50/50 bullshit will never work and you know it will never okwamanje you are still young and stupid and believe everything you read on O mag or Cosmo. 


  1. Sphelele Machika22 October 2011 at 01:49

    Love the post, here goes my 2cents. I do believe we, men and women have our own places or positions in a relationship or marriege. We both can eaily do the things that society has categorised as for men only and women only. I can change a tyre, chane a light bulb, fix plugs and all these so called manly thing just as you can easily cook, clean the house, change diapers, do laundry and so on. We just love to have our positions and stick to them, 50/50 to me means that I will give in all of me just as you will of of you but in a diff way i.e a man shall be the security and I will keep the household in good shape, not that we can't swap roles but cause we have decided so. I don't expect my man to work hard and come back home to a pigsty and have no TLC nor gratittude for what he has been doin. I also don't want him to think that my working my ass off keeping the household together is nothing, him to belittle it NO! 50/50 is me giving my share of making sure that the relationship or marriege works and he to do the same, give his all! We will be equals I just give you the respect and allow you to be more superior that's all and be grateful and thankful that I do so!!!

  2. Sithuthukile Mtshali26 October 2011 at 00:00

    I totally agree with Themba, in the corporate world we are driven to be IZIMBOKODWE and we even take that home. A man is man and he heads the house. 50/50, pure rubbish, my man takes the lead and I can be all the Mbokodwe fighting rights at the office, but at home my man is my king.
    Sithuthukile Mtshali
