Monday 28 November 2011


Have you ever stopped and asked yourself;  “What qualities do I have that could stop my partner from cheating?
Now this is a damn HARD question which makes you think and you like “oh damn, I never thought of this one”
I’ve asked a lot girls this question and they have all said almost the same thing to me which again proves my point that Girls Are Stupid.

Its funny how they all started by saying “because i…..” and I thought….”well damn” that’s the problem right there >> “because I….”  You’re simply putting you  first before him, that’s the quality you are missing.

And If I was asked the same question, my answer would be simply…..”do not ask me what I have that could stop her from cheating, it’s not about the qualities that I have but the qualities that we both share and have brought into that relationship, because it is us that need to make it work and not I.

So….”What qualities does your relationship have to stop one partner from cheating?”
-          You both express your  love and appreciation often
-          You keep each other  happy in Bed
-          You give each other space.
-          You both treat each other with RESPECT
I can go on and on but I just pointed out the ones that are important.  I think.

Monday 14 November 2011

What's on a man's mind?

What's on a man's mind? SEX SEX SEX AND MORE SEX. LOL of cause NOT, WE are better than that.
Women are forever wondering, what really goes on in a man’s mind.  I can ask myself the very same question “What the hell goes on in my head” and what goes on in there sometimes is beyond me even and then you find  woman who always assume they can read a man’s mind, if its sexual yes.  We are really not that complicated, sex, money, power, girls, sports and now and then we think of work.
Its pretty simply, If you pay attention to us, without overanalyzing the situation or conversation you will have no problem figure out what us guys are thinking and "reading our mind". And it’s NOT always about sex.
This is how some of our minds work.

MONEY. POWER. GIRLS. SEX.  Guys want Money to have the Power over Girls to have Sex.

WOMAN. MONEY. RESPECT. POWER. FAMILY. You need a good Woman to inspire you to work hard at earning your money and to gain Respect on how you earned it and respect comes with Power and then you can start a family.

WOMAN. LOVE.  FAMILY. And so you find men who are always thinking of finding a good Woman to Love and start a Family with.

GIRLS. ALCOHOL . SEX. And ofcos you find guys that are always thinking of way to pick up Girls to Drink Alcohol with in hopes of having Sex with them.

MONEY. WOMAN. LOVE. FAMILY. And you find men that are thinking that once they have Money, they then find a Woman they LOVE to start a family with.

(note how I change words from Man to guys and)

In a nutshell this is what goes on in a man’s mind, and you’ll notice that I did not mention LOVE that much because in most cases we try to avoid the thoughts of love all together, well unless your ultimate goal is WOMAN. LOVE. FAMILY. 

The truth is Most of us males  DON’T KNOW WHAT WE WANT from a woman and a relationship. We just know how we FEEL when we  are with a woman, and whether we want more of this feeling or not.  Let me tell you The SECRET,  most of us men DO want a relationship with an amazing woman.

“Boys just want sex” is what you always say right? Which is true but the day you find a man that you will understand, you’ll be able to read his mind just like that.

STOP listening to his words… and start paying attention to what’s really going on at a deeper level inside his heart.  For example, talk about music, his old time favourite slow jam track and current love jam and from the lyrics of that song you’ll know how deep his feelings are.  BUT AS  MEN WE ARE AFRAID TO LOVE.
We do think of love, we think of that really amazing woman but afraid to give into love.                                 

Have you ever had a man tell you “I’m not ready for a serious relationship” ? If that men did not love you he would never tell you that, He’s telling you this because his afraid to show his true feelings which in turn may make him fall in love with you.  The truth is, we will say anything to you women to block the real feeling that we have for you.


Wednesday 9 November 2011

The 101

Women have been fooled. And they themselves have allowed us men to play them a fool.
You ladies cannot allow men to walk all over you all the time, at one point of your life u must be able to face the music and deal with the truth out there… You can’t be dating six different guys in a year and cry “men are dogs” thereafter….If you keep attracting the “dogs” don’t you for one second that you may be a problem here?
The fact that you keep finding your man at clubs, you date guys that are “hot” only, those with “swag”, You stupid bitch you still date boys that come from rich families and u think you’ve hit the jackpot.  This what I have a problem with, When you found this guy;
 You knew very well that he was a club promoter and every girl wanted to get into his pants for VIP access, *and you thought what the hell, I’l change him*
You knew he was a drunkard before u started dating him,
You knew he has never had interest in you until u started flirting with him, you saw a potential boyfriend when he saw another big hit in the bag,
You knew his history of treating women.
You knew half the women his dated…YET YOU WENT AFTER HIM anyway and yes he screwd up as usual and you go crying a river and once the tears have dried up you go back and look for the exact same guy with a different name….
But first lemme tell you What Is A Side chick?
Side Chick: The woman who is one level above a man’s jumpoff but
ALWAYS a step below the wifey or girlfriend.

Note that I’m not writing this to put off a relationship your currently - I’m just here to help the confused ladies who are having a side chick/main chick identity crisis

But it’s easy to see that you a sidechick, this is how;

He always comes to you, he meets you at the place, he will meet you at your flat, sound familiar? He knows he can’t take the chance of your hoop earring falling off in his ride and his main chick finding it, thats side chick 101.
He only calls when he’s returning your missed call.
He calls you when he wants sex
He calls u sexy and hot but never BEAUTIFUL.
In following the tried, tested and clichéd women love compliments theme, a side chick is more likely to receive much more or even solely physical compliments compared to emotional or mental ones. With sex being the main theme.
If follow each other on Twitter. You tweet him, he texts back
His cellphone battery is always dead at nite
The only time he calls you is late at night.  Usual excuses for calling or meeting you at awkward moments is down to a busy schedule. 
He takes you clubbing all the time because he knows you guaranteed shag
When he’s chilling with the boys, he invites you all the time especially if you a Yellowbone (the brother has got to show off his bronze trophy while the “main squeeze is cooking him supper”
Guys still adopt a time frame for speaking or meeting a side chick. 
If you call him he says he’s call you back in 20 minutes, due to a busy schedule….you are a side chick.
I will stop there and not carry on I believe people know the signs! “Its not rocket science” as my mother would say! Lol

But I’m not sure what I’m more confused about; women who KNOW they’re the side chick and are cool with that title or women who DON’T KNOW they’re the side chick and have no clue as to why they would be.
Like your 10c 20c 50c (Yellowbones) coins we don’t really care about them until we really need them.

In conclusion as a dude the only reason I would get a side chick is  because I`m bored, you have alot of skank swag compared to my main girl, you`ll do things sexually she wont, I just want to prove that I still got it or you`re just so hot I dont want to let the chance go by.

Friday 4 November 2011

Be A Real Man!

What does it really take for a Man to be Man? The answer is quite simple Be A Man, act like a Man, walk like a Man and talk like a Man.
Alot of Men seem to have lost the plot of being a Man somewhere along the line, and this has nothing to do with gay "men"...
Men are losing it, losing the status of being a man because of a few individuals who choose to remain in the boyzone at the age of maturity and for this I partly blame women, because women when it comes to men they have somehow somewhere confused age with maturity and this is not only in dating but in friendship as well. Men mature well if there's a woman involved - {not a slutty girl - whose having fun},not because they are getting old, no,  they too want to be real men to a real woman or a lil girl they want to sleep with whose presented herself as this full grown 20 year old woman, Little as she is, she immediately thinks, old man = maturity = date-able. 

True men do not think about themselves. They do not always think about sex. They stand up for what they believe, take responsibility for their actions, help others, they are self confident, physically stong and in shape, have a sense of humor, generous, honest, and are considerate. They provide a sense of security. 

But for a Man to be a Man, He must love and honor God. Everything else will fall into place.

  1. Maturity (age does not equate to maturity)
  2. Be presentable
  3. Be kind
  4. Be supportive (family and in relationships)
  5. If you Christian, love and fear God - A Man that loves God has the utmost respect for Women.
  6. Love your Mother - how you treat her is an indication of how you'll treat your lover.
  7. Respect beer.
  8. NEVER EVER hit a woman. If you fed up leave.
  9. Don't cheat on her and make it obvious that you are - Leave her instead.
  10. In fact if you in a committed relationship, don't cheat at all.
  11. A real man doesn't gossip. He shelters information and rations his words.
  12. A real man knows the difference between right and wrong.
  13. A real man accepts responsibility for his actions and his words.
  14. A real man focuses on power, money and family. He doesn't focus on sex. Sex comes as a result of having power, money and a wife
  15. A real man knows the importance of family
  16. A real man will keep his family strong and pass on his ancestors' history and traditions.
  17. A real man does not reveal more than he has to and doesn't engage in girlie talk about others
  18. A Real Man's Word Is His Bond
  19. A real man respects himself and others at all times, unless, of course, he has been disrespected.
  20. "A real man doesn't love a million girls, he loves one girl in a million ways."
  21. A real man does not date young girls.
  22. A real man drinks beer.
  23. A real man doesn’t use women
  24. A real man does not go into the social networks and pretends to be this cool thing amongst the ladies and say things he has no knowledge of only because he wants to get laid.
  25. A real man doesn't look like a woman.

Aside from that fact that there is no definitive image of a "real man" (and no, women's delusions do not count), there's also the fact that nobody ever ask if SHE was a "real woman".