Wednesday 27 August 2014

Women and Other things.

To many typical cases of pseudo-intellectualism involve pre-pubescent "15" year olds that think they have everything figured out, including, but not limited to: life, religion, politics, education, relationships and sex. Ironically, they have never quite experienced either of the aforementioned. 

Lemme share something with you about men but before I do never ever assume you understand and know men because they act different around you, don't come here with that bullshit yokuthi "Only boys think like that". Mina i say to you, when men are with other men. You'd probably faint if you eavesdropped a convos between your fathers and uncles, amazing. Stop claiming you know men, you know their dicks, men will always show the "other-side" in a company of women and strangers. 

Go through "things" does not make you an expert. You crossed that path but that does not necessarily mean that you understand men. Stop bullshitting yourself, it's not cute.

As much as men have tried to figure out what women want, women think they have figured out what men want. Which is very interesting. One reads a lot blogs when pre-pubescent teens write and tweet about love, relationships and so forth. They somehow think that because they dated 15 guys, loved one screwed over by 14 they're now expert. Wait a minute. You experienced in dick not love.

THIS is why you can't find a steady relationship! It's YOU! You're unstable! Yeah, you like to call your shallow inconsistency, "impulsiveness"... Call it whatever the hell you want. Fact is, you've had at LEAST 4 fucking "flavours-of-the-month" in the short time and you think gonna find a man with all that baggage? 

Anyway... next subject

What pisses me off is women who constantly bitch and moan about how they don't like to be used as sex objects. If you feel like that, fine but you girls  have to realize that that goes both ways. You don't want to be treated like prostitutes well you have to stop acting like a prostitute. Start treating men like actual human beings and not as a means for financial gain, and maybe you will get a little respect every now and then. You want to know why you get stuck with the ass holes. Because when it comes to picking men, your priorities are assed backwards. You claim you want to be treated with with respect, then stop meeting men at clubs. You say you want a man who is working but if that guy at work who drives a Toyota looks at you too hard, you cry sexual harassment. But yet you break your neck for that bad-boy with his grandpa's Merc whose idea of a job is going to visit Tops often, who doesn't have respect for himself let alone you. You let him mooch off of you. You let him in with based on his looks or the size of his penis. Knowing damn well when you met him he didn't have a job. You knew he was an alcoholic when you met him at the bar and for every one drink he bought you he bought himself three. You knew he slept around because when you fucked him he had a wife,a mistress and three girlfriends. You knew that he was only going to use you for sex because he couldn't keep his eyes of your titties and his hands off your ass, but you fucked him anyway.You thought you could change him. And when you found out that you couldn't you say ALL MEN ARE SCUM/PIGS/DOGS or whatever else.

Girls make me sooo angry! Why do they make me angry? I'll tell you. It's because they sneak up on you when you're doing okay- never great, but stable mind you- and then they rough you up and get you thinking of bigger and better things than your previous loneliness. Then- just when you're starting to smile for no reason- they crap all over you. And the best part is, the good ones don't even realize they're doing it. I'm holding my heart in my hands and she's got no idea...

Girls do whine, moan, cry, and bitch about everything. To women everything is feminist, it pisses me off, how they can get any of us in trouble by lying and saying we are discriminating women. But, women do bring everything upon themselves, they do act like sexual objects and later on bitch on how men treat them. I am also very pissed on how women are allowed to organize bullshit rallies and claim a sexist crime to get what they want, and the other bitches(women) in office allow them to and give them whatever they want. But, what would happen if Men were to hold some rallies against anything or maybe lie about a sex crime, that's right all hell breaks loose, and they are seen as pigs. Stop with your feminist anti- men bullshit and go back to washing dishes and gardening.

Anyway...i'm out

Wednesday 6 August 2014

Blackface is offensive!

Respect the position of people that aren’t you. It’s social intelligence.

It should go without saying that costumes using racist imagery should be off limits. Your costume party should be about fun and not hatred.

In 2014 no one should be telling white people that #blackface is wrong. It is offensive.  Blackface represents a time when white people would paint their faces black and act out incredibly racist and offensive stereotypes about black people. This goes back years and years ago. The symbolism of a blackface is insensitive and racist. This is a fact and it’s not up for a debate. Knowing white people when it comes to matters of race, the attitude towards blackface is that it’s just face paint and shouldn’t be taken as offensive. It’s the same thing as using the K-word and saying you not racist. Who you trying to fool here? If you racist. Be racist. That is not going to change. Don't try and justify your racist act.
What I find more offensive with this racist act is that there’s always that black person  who wants to defend such an act or defend racist offensive words. This is how black people that have gone through a weakening process think. The mind is still colonised (Gert calls someone a K-word  and Sipho his friend defends him “Gert is not racist, I’m sure he was just tired”)
Now these are the type of people that need to go through the process of Decolonising the Mind because they still see white as better, they the ones who makes jokes about black when around white people. They will do anything to fit in the “white community”. These black still need to going through that process of decolonising the mind, it is never too late. It is important to de-colonise the mind before de-colonising the body; if the mind continues to be trapped within the walls of colonial interpretations then the freedom of the physical anatomy would be rendered futile. The compulsive need to be recognized and acknowledged by the parameters of white people have to be shrugged away so that individuality and subjectivity can mature in full clarity and adequate visibility.
So, going back to the University of Pretoria with those two white female students, we have clearly established that the blackface is something that’s at its best in best taste and at worst an act of unflinching racism. Those two white students in the University of Pretoria have clearly shown that by participating in this act, they admitting that they don’t care who they offend or what symbols of oppression they perpetuate.
Blackface to me is as offensive as calling me the K-word.
Blackface was used by whites to show blacks as having social imperfection, being inferior and having a lack of mental capacity.
Some white readers here may be thinking “hey, this chap is overreacting” and some black folks may be thinking “there’s nothing wrong with it, it’s funny”. The fact is, blackface is still seen as incredibly offensive to a lot of black people.
Too often, though, it’s the offending party who tries to determine what’s offensive to subjugated groups. It’s always white people and white experts who go out of their way to convince black people not to feel offended, a basic exercise in hegemonic privilege: “ Because I don’t feel offended by it, you shouldn't either”
Offenders stand firm in their belief that they don’t care if it’s not offensive to them.
The fact remains you guys can masquerade and "make fun" yet return to your lives as a privileged racial class. Black skin is no joke. Black skin is not "funny."
It appears that there is little historical perspective here. Understand that the Blackface was  meant to portray Black people in the most demeaning light possible and you guys think we should just "get over it, its just paint."
The history we have since we first crossed each other's path has been death, destruction and desecration of what we hold dear.
Consider yourselves fortunate that many of us are sedated into "integration." 
I wonder why you ask us to "lighten up". It's because of that mentality I will remind my children and grandchildren to be vigilant in recognizing that mentality. They know that if they are ignorant of history, they are doomed to repeat it.
By the way, when you may see a refined Black man or woman who may appear educated... be aware that many of us are equipped to recognize what lies behind your eyes. Though we share the same beds and offices, we are watchful. Like the Jews say "never again"

Dear white people, if you're just dying to use paint on your faces, go Incredible Hulk on your face.