Sunday 22 April 2012

The Hall / Weekend Pass.

Let me explain first explain The Pass,  The Pass can come in half-day, full-day or weekend. It is something to be prized, cherished and used judiciously for it is not an easy thing to obtain. It is
Permission given by your lover to fool around with another person outside your relationship.

So ladies, how do you feel about the Pass, will you ever give your man the Pass?
(Tweet me @BossoKeMang )

NB: The Pass does not extend to women, so no ladies you do NOT get the pass


  1. Lmao fuck NO!!!! He gets a pass, I get a pass, let's call it a pass weekend 4 all of us, n he shudnt complain if I now fall pregnant

  2. Pass my Ass angayithola eZoo..

  3. no problem,but everyday at 7pm i'm having sex with/without him so if that pass
    might take the whole day or the entire wee
    kend,i've got news for him!
