Monday 3 December 2012


Dear MaKhumalo @Vejinity

Thank you very much for taking the time to draft me a letter but I must point to you that i believe you misunderstood my tweets.
But let me start by say:

My hearts go to people who contracted AIDS through rape

My hearts go out to people who contracted AIDS through blood transfusion.

My hearts go out to children who contracted AIDS from their mothers.

My hearts go out to firemen, paramedics who contracted AIDS trying to save lives

My heart goes out to the wife or husband who unknowingly is exposed to this virus because one was unfaithful

The list can go on. But then we have people who are now victims by being irresponsible, do i feel sorry for them? Do I sympathize with them?
My answer is NO!

I know people who got AIDS through irresponsible behaviour, but I have no sympathy for their condition any more than I would have sympathy for someone who gets arrested for driving drunk. People who do drugs and share needles, they know the risks of sharing needles and when they contract AIDS society must sympathise? There are choices and there are consequences. When you make bad choices, something’s there are horrific consequences.  I refuse to reward irresponsible behaviour. It punishes responsibility. Some people may see this as being ignorant, but we don’t all subscribe to a same way of thinking.

What if YOU get cancer after smoking. Then the person made a bad choice and will suffer the consequences. Why is that my fault or my problem? Why should I pay for someone else's bad choices? Where is the personal responsibility? This isn't about sex or orientation. This is about taking responsibility. I feel the same about AIDS from sex or drug use as I do about cancer from smoking, liver disease from drinking or any of the other AVOIDABLE conditions that people bring upon themselves by making bad choices.
As contradictory as this following statement may be but each person who becomes infected with HIV have their own stories to tell. No one can judge a person with AIDS since one cannot know the history behind its contraction. We all make stupid decisions in life but I also believe there are no accidents. Everything we experience in life happens for a reason. Sometimes it is the Universe slapping us in the face to get us to learn something in life that we might not otherwise have learned. I have learned that we cannot take anything in life for granted.


  1. Themba U bish. Unblock me on twitter.

  2. There was really no need for this response, Why am I saying that?

    On her Letter she clearly stated that you said "Now one of your tweets said that you cannot be expected to feel sorry for PEOPLE WHO GO OUT AND HAVE UNPROTECTED SEX, CONTRACT THE VIRUS AND THEN PLAY VICTIM"

    and later on went on to say "Now tell me Sir, should we not feel sorry for these individuals and the unborn babies that they eventually infect? Should we go on and call them stupid for loving and trusting someone they vowed to love in front of God? What about those that get infected through transfusions? Should we also shun them because it is not a common way of contracting the disease?"

    Common sense do dictates that she is contradicting herself, if she wanted you to say what she says you implied, she should’ve just asked you and not waste our time with all of this balderdash

  3. The truth hurts mfethu, that is all I have to say. You cant feel sorry for an adult who knew the end results of their actions

  4. its HE @anonymous

    @Themba Ive seen many people die of AIDS and no matter how they contracted it, it is still a sad and heartbreaking sight.

    And by the way, i didnt want an apology or retracment from you. i just wanted you to see that your comments did not sit well with many people AFFECTED by the virus, myself included.

    Anonymous is right, you didnt have to do this :-). Still love you...

  5. HAHAHAHAHASHAHAGA what's your twitter handle?

  6. Simple response,I also believe she misunderstood your tweets

  7. You have a lot of hearts bra

  8. Put yourself in the shoe of the person who contracted HIV in that "irresponsible way". Do I need to be reminded of my actions?

  9. My Handle kind Sir is @Thato_Legend
